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This API provides access to the Thünen Institute's data. The API is based on the PostgREST specification and is designed to be RESTful. The API is versioned and the current version is v1.


The base URL for the API is All requests should start with this URL.


The API requires an API key to be passed in the header of each request. The API key is a JSON Web Token (JWT) and is used to authenticate the user. The API key is passed in the apikey header.


curl -X GET ""  -H "apikey: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ewogICJyb2xlIjogImFub24iLAogICJpc3MiOiAiVEZNIiwKICAiaWF0IjogMTczOTkxOTYwMCwKICAiZXhwIjogMTg5NzY4NjAwMAp9.L28Sk6wzRLoUh1wLz_TjeY_rtUp3UX3-6UttadUEoC0"

Schema Selection

The second header required is the Accept-Profile header. This header is used to specify the schema that the response should be formatted in. The available schemas are lookup or inventory_archive.

curl -X GET ""  -H "Accept-Profile: lookup"  -H "apikey: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ewogICJyb2xlIjogImFub24iLAogICJpc3MiOiAiVEZNIiwKICAiaWF0IjogMTczOTkxOTYwMCwKICAiZXhwIjogMTg5NzY4NjAwMAp9.L28Sk6wzRLoUh1wLz_TjeY_rtUp3UX3-6UttadUEoC0"

CSV / JSON Output (optional)

The API can return data in either CSV or JSON format. The format is specified in the Accept header.

curl -X GET ""  -H "Accept: application/json"  -H "Accept-Profile: lookup"  -H "apikey: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ewogICJyb2xlIjogImFub24iLAogICJpc3MiOiAiVEZNIiwKICAiaWF0IjogMTczOTkxOTYwMCwKICAiZXhwIjogMTg5NzY4NjAwMAp9.L28Sk6wzRLoUh1wLz_TjeY_rtUp3UX3-6UttadUEoC0"
curl -X GET ""   -H "Accept: text/csv"  -H "Accept-Profile: lookup"  -H "apikey: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ewogICJyb2xlIjogImFub24iLAogICJpc3MiOiAiVEZNIiwKICAiaWF0IjogMTczOTkxOTYwMCwKICAiZXhwIjogMTg5NzY4NjAwMAp9.L28Sk6wzRLoUh1wLz_TjeY_rtUp3UX3-6UttadUEoC0"

Count & Pagination

To get the exact count of the number of records in the response, you can add the Prefer: count=exact header to the request.

To paginate the response, you can add the limit and offset query parameters to the request. The limit parameter specifies the number of records to return, and the offset parameter specifies the number of records to skip.

Example: Requesting the count of records in the Plot table:

curl -X GET "" -I -H "Accept-Profile: inventory_archive" -H "apikey: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ewogICJyb2xlIjogImFub24iLAogICJpc3MiOiAiVEZNIiwKICAiaWF0IjogMTczOTkxOTYwMCwKICAiZXhwIjogMTg5NzY4NjAwMAp9.L28Sk6wzRLoUh1wLz_TjeY_rtUp3UX3-6UttadUEoC0" -H "Prefer: count=exact"

The Content-Range header contains the range (25-44) of records returned and the total number (260912) of records in the response.

Content-Range: 25-44/260912

Read more about the Pagination and Count.